The chapter annual meeting was held on Wednesday, August 19, at 6:00 PM via Zoom. We accomplished the mandates of our bylaws; to review the past year, present financial statements and conduct elections to the board of directors. Thanks to all who participated.

We had a good time building nest boxes in February. I call it Women with Power Tools. Peggy Andrews was unstoppable!

Marie Smith and Evan Tweedie, 2 of our scholarship recipients who attended Camp Colorado in 2019. This scholarship is made possible thanks to the generosity of Joan Ward in memory of her late husband, Michael Ward. Marie was set to attend again in 2020 until the Camp was cancelled due to Covid restrictions.

This annual field trip for Middle School fifth graders is led by Keith Bruno and chapter volunteers. This year it was more like Science on No Snow.

Our thanks to Brenda Breding, who serves as board secretary, for her hours of work re-designing our brochure. We are in our 3rd year of publishing Bird of the Week articles in the Pagosa Sun.

This spring our chapter was able to make a $400.00 donation to the Methodist Church Food Bank to support our community. These funds were accrued from the City Market Rewards program paid to our chapter. Please consider registering your value card and choosing Weminuche Audubon as your charity. Directions are on the home page of our website.

Treasurer Anne Stevens reported on the chapter financial income and expenses.

We were able to vote on Zoom. No additional nominations were presented and current board members were re-elected. We were pleased to add Randy McCormick to the board.