Calendar of Events
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Board of Directors Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting
Board meetings are open to any interested parties. If you are attending and have an item you would like added to the agenda, contact January Board Meeting will be held on Monday, January 13, @ 3 PM at the … Continue reading
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Riverwalk Advocacy Group
Riverwalk Advocacy Group
This meeting will focus on the environmental impacts of development and optimal buffer zones to the wetlands areas.
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Birding the Riverwalk
Birding the Riverwalk
Meet at 9 AM near the domes in Centennial Park. This is a weather-dependent event and we will not meet if it's snowing. Call Charles at 731-2985 for information.
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Riverwalk Advocacy Group
Riverwalk Advocacy Group
This meeting will focus on the development of a presentation to the Town Council to highlight the value of wetlands and the potential consequences of development.
January Chapter Meeting
January Chapter Meeting
January Weminuche Audubon Society meeting to feature world traveler Roger Organ on his trip to Africa. The Weminuche Audubon Society will hold its January meeting on Wednesday, January 22, at the Methodist Church on Lewis St. at 6:00 PM. Join … Continue reading
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Snowshoe Hike Tracking Event
Snowshoe Hike Tracking Event
Here's a chance to identify who's leaving all those tracks in your yard and in the woods. Weminuche Audubon is hosting a snowshoe hike with Jason Stuck to see who we can find. This event will take place at the … Continue reading