Great Backyard Bird Count

Be a part of this global count of birds. Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. Over these four days people spend time in their favorite places watching and counting as many birds … Continue reading

Monte Vista Crane Festival – 40th Anniversary

Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge Monte Vista, Colorado

Take a trip to Monte Vista and view thousands of greater sandhill cranes, waterfowl, raptors and more.  Visit their website,  for information on the festival and to sign up for special events including tours, workshops, speakers, movies and more.

March Chapter Meeting

Community United Methodist Church 434 Lewis St, Pagosa Springs, CO

Birds Near and Far At This Month's Chapter Meeting     In March our junior Weminuche Audubon member, Sage Merrill-Exton, will get us set for an end to winter weather with a presentation on their family winter trip to Costa Rica. … Continue reading

Environmental Film Festival

Springs Resort Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs

Start Earth Week activities by attending the Environmental Film Festival put on by the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership and their supporters. For only $15 you can see all nine films shown on Saturday, April 15 at the Springs Resort meeting room,  … Continue reading

April Chapter Meeting

Community United Methodist Church 434 Lewis St, Pagosa Springs, CO

In April our Audubon chapter members plan for spring, summer and fall projects and fun ways to spend time outdoors.  We have volunteer opportunities across a range of interests and we invite you to share your enthusiasm and curiosity with … Continue reading

Earth Day


Join us and other organizations on the Riverwalk to celebrate the Earth.  Fun, family activities including great music.  Take a wetlands tour at 11 AM.  Stop by and make seed balls to take home and introduce native flowers into your … Continue reading

Intermountain West Shorebird Survey

Shorebird populations globally and across North America have declined for the past 40 years or more, and they need our help. April 24th-30th 2023 - Volunteers Needed to Survey for Migratory Shorebirds - Please considering joining the effort! It’s been … Continue reading

Riverwalk Naturalist Training


Training for current and new guides in preparation for leading tours along the Riverwalk wetland areas.  This training will include a talk on the geology of this area and its influence on the wetlands.  Meeting will be held outside at … Continue reading

May Bat Walk

Come learn about Bats! What:  short discussion about bats in the parking lot and then a walk to the gazebo on Vista Pond to pull in bat sonar signals with the bat monitor.  You will actually see and hear the … Continue reading

Global Big Day

Join bird enthusiasts worldwide on Saturday, May 13, in celebrating the birds that share our lives.  Two events mark these yearly celebrations held on the 2nd Saturday of May. Global Bird Day is an online event organized by the Cornell … Continue reading