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Winter Birds 101 – Corvids and Raptors
December 16, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The third of our Bird Identification Classes in preparation for the Christmas Bird Count will be presented by Audubon Rockies community naturalist, Keith Bruno. We’ve had great participation and covered a lot of birds in the first two classes. Our thanks to Keith for making it a fun and informative time. If you want, you can copy a checklist of the birds covered under the “Projects” tab, Christmas Bird Count, on our website. We’re getting anxious to see how many of these birds that we can find on the 19th!
If you haven’t done so, please volunteer to participate in the count by sending an email to weminuche.audubon@gmail.com
Please use the following link to join us on Zoom.
Topic: Winter Birds 101
Time: Dec 16, 2020 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 415319
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