March Chapter Meeting
March 19 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
With the official return of spring imminent, it’s a good time to remind us of the importance of pollinators. To do so, we are excited to welcome Amy Dolan, an Endangered Species Conservation Biologist with the Xerces Society, to our evening meeting on March 19. Dolan is the coordinator for the Mountain States Bumble Bee Atlas in Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Bumble bees just may be her favorite pollinator, and she will share with us how awesome they are, conservation concerns, and what we can do to help them.
Bumble bees are charismatic, easily recognizable pollinators thanks to their large size, loud buzz, and distinctive color patterns. They play an incredibly important role in sustaining the health of our environment by pollinating flowers in natural and urban areas, and by contributing to successful harvests on farms. The mountain regions of North America boast some of the highest diversity of bumble bees, making Colorado a fantastic place to learn about these fuzzy pollinators.
Unfortunately, like many other insects and pollinators, many bumble bee species have been experiencing population declines in past decades. The good news is that there are actions we can take right now to help them!
Come learn about the unique life cycle and adaptations of these amazing creatures. Hear more about conservation issues and what can be done to help, including how the Mountain States Bumble Bee Atlas is using citizen scientists to help conserve bumble bees, one photograph at a time. The Mountain States Bumble Bee Atlas is an ongoing community science project and everyone is invited to participate! Learn more at BumbleBeeAtlas.org.
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is a donor-supported nonprofit organization that protects our world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. For over 50 years, they have been champions of Earth’s most biodiverse and overlooked animals, protecting the life that sustains us. Learn more about them at xerces.org.
The public is invited to join us at the Community United Methodist Church on Lewis St. Enter through the side door closest to the parking lot or let us know to open the main doors for handicap entry. Enjoy appetizers and snacks with us starting at 6 PM. If you are inclined, bring a creation of yours to share. Following a short business meeting at 6:30, Dolan’s presentation will take place over Zoom and we will view it together at the church. If you prefer to join us from home, a Zoom link will be posted on our website prior to the meeting.
In appreciation for our meeting space, contributions of non-perishable food for the church food bank are collected at our meetings.