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July Chapter Meeting
July 21, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Water, always an important topic in our area, will be the focus of this month’s meeting, on Wednesday, July 21 at 6:30 PM on Zoom. We will learn about the work of the Upper San Juan Watershed Enhancement Partnership, a local organization working to address the management of this precious resource. Al Pfister, on behalf of the Upper San Juan Watershed Enhancement Partnership (WEP) will be presenting the results of data collected in Phase II of the WEP’s assessment of the environmental, recreational, and agricultural infrastructure needs in the Upper San Juan River. The WEP’s data collection is a part of the implementation of the Colorado Water Plan of 2015 in the development of a Stream Management Plan/Integrated Watershed Management Plan. The WEP’s data collection efforts were done to assess local environmental, recreational, and agricultural infrastructure needs in the face of a warming and drying climate.
Pfister is a semi-retired fish and wildlife biologist who has worked in 7 western US states dealing with endangered species issues trying to find a balance between conserving imperiled fish, wildlife, plants, herptiles, and invertebrates, while still allowing the various uses (development, recreation, grazing, timber harvest, energy development,etc) to coexist. In addition to his work with WEP, he serves on the board of the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership, and on the board of the San Juan Water Conservancy District. He is a past board member of the Weminuche Audubon Society.
Audubon meetings are open to the public. Use the following link to join the meeting.
Topic: July Chapter Meeting
Time: Jul 21, 2021 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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